ADSR before loop


I would like to point out the design of the sampler, namely, why is the ADSR before the loop function?
I think it makes the most sense for the ADSR to control the final phase of the file playback and this is how it is solved in many samplers, such as Octatrack. Putting the ADSR before the loop completely rules out the use of the sampler to play samples in a granular style, e.g. a velocity setting to change the playback position of a file with a very short playback length setting. ADSR before the loop makes no sense.
By the way, about the loop itself, an interesting addition could be the loop - forward- reversed function.
I had already written emails on the above-mentioned matters to Sunhaus support, a couple of months ago, but they were unfortunately ignored.
For the time being, I think it is a shame that key elements of the sampler are so strangely thought out and the suggestions of users who have purchased V2 pre-orders are ignored.

Best, Artur

Hi @ArturPasco,

Thanks for your note — we follow all feedback from users, so apologies if you felt we ignored your comments previously. But we’re a small team and we can’t always make changes to the software immediately.

Regarding your note about the sampler — I think it’s important to think of our sampler like a one-shot sampler similar to Ableton’s simpler with extra features. We do have designs for adding loop points to the timeline in the sampler, which I think would accomplish what you are looking for.

But could you explain exactly what you’re trying to achieve with the sampler? Regarding this comment:

a velocity setting to change the playback position of a file with a very short playback length setting.

Have you tried using a velocity assignment on the “start” parameter of a sampler to do this?



My idea was to play looped, very short sections of the audio file from different locations by assigning a velocity to the ‘start’ of the sampler. This would make it possible to achieve an effect similar to that of a granular sampler. Now this is impossible, because in the case of the loop setting, the sound continues indefinitely, despite the short ADSR setting.

Hi @ArturPasco, I believe the effect you want is possible.

You can achieve looped short sections of a sample with a velocity assignment on start, and then set a small percentage to the length parameter of the sampler. These params are both processed before the loop, and so I think this creates the precise effect you want.

In the attached screenshot and .sp2 I added a velocity assignment to “length” as well, just because I thought it sounded a bit more interesting that way when I was experimenting with it.

velo-start-loop.sp2 (20.4 KB)



Unfortunately, in such settings it only confirms that the loop runs after the ADSR, in your setting the sound lasted up to 24 repetitions, a short precise decay with ADSR is not possible.

Hi @ArturPasco, You can see in the screenshot from Steven’s post that the loop setting was at 24x. You can set it to 0x for it to loop forever.

Oh, I see. @ArturPasco, yes, the sampler requires a hit message in order to process the change in length, this is not something that can currently be modulated with an LFO or cross control from another drum, although that is interesting food for thought.

As @tenoch mentioned, you can change the loop repetitions to infinite, which I believe should get at least a very similar effect to what you want, but the length of the grain will not be updated until the sampler receives another hit.


Hi @ArturPasco,

I did a bit more puzzling about this, and I think I understand a bit more what you want to accomplish, and how to get even closer to it using the current functionality of the sampler + assignments.

I think having an additional ADSR assignment on the volume fader of the sampler is really cool and allows for (in combination with assignments on start and length) really short, interesting decays – definitely a technique I’ll be using in the future :slight_smile:

Here’s a screenshot of how it’s setup and then the .sp2 is also attached.

short-grain.sp2 (3.8 KB)
