Build in Loopstation

Adding a loop station would be a real fun way of playing full songs without needing to record complete samples / sequences.
Something that has multiple loop channels to record bass / chord progressions and melody all with full creative control while playing.
Syncing to the metronome to help the loop start on the 1.

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That would be cool – are there any loopers in particular you’ve used in the past? Would be curious to hear what features in particular you’d want to see included in something like this.

Hi Tenoch,

I have played around with some loopers on multieffectpedals for Bassguitar.
I have also seen a lot of cool stuf from the Boss RC 505.

The main features i could think of:

  • Multiple loop channels with on/off triggers and overdub function to expand on the same channel or replace the loop with a new one.
  • Syncing with the metronome so the loop always starts on the 1 and lasts a set amount of measures.
  • Zone assignment so that you can turn on/off loops & switch through channels using zone inputs.
  • Effects on the loop channel so that the same sound only has effects when recording the loop.

Some nice to have features:

  • Saving / recording loops so that if you have made something cool you can save it for use later on.
  • A memory bank of saved loops, kind of like a lauch pad for samples.
  • Having the looper on the Global set, so that you can record loops on different presets.

These are just some ideas i can think of when playing around on my drumset.
Hope this can be of some inspiration :slight_smile:

Thanks, @Joey, this is really helpful!