Crashed and stuck -windows low latency

Hey, Tom here, I’m from France so please forgive my sometimes shaky english.
So the SP app is stuck, meanig that every time I open it it has a “blue round thinking mouse pointer” and is unresponsive and I have to hard exit using task manager.
This happened after I opened the latest soundpack (Anatta), and was tweaking into the audio inputs outputs to give it an ear on my laptop.
The 2.2 beta had the same glitch, witch was solved by a new installation.
So I guess I will just reinstall and it will most likely be solved, but wanted to let you know, if I can help investigating and provide something just let me know
I’m on win11, SP2.1.8, no load on the computer while crashed, tried all the basics I can think of (reboot :))
Well, I use beta right now so I will reinstall when 2.2 is out I guess

UPDATE : happend antoer time on the fresh beta install
UPDATE 2 : and again on aother on, this time I identified I got stuck when I went to low “latency mode”
UPDATE 3 : So… again, crashes when I select the output (realtek audio for me) in low latency mode

And (offtopic), still can’t figure out how to assign “next set” to my alesis multipad, keyboard shortcut could also do, but I have to fist click in the set navigation bar or its unoperational so navigating sets live is painful (offtopic ends)