External Instrument Input and FX

One of the marketing blurbs for the SP2 was around plugging in any external instrument and using the software as an effects rack, this was something I was excited about alongside the actual primary use case, as I have an electronic drum with 1/4 inch outputs.

Are there plans to make this side of things more simpler and more user friendly? Currently I find it rather confusing using external inputs as a standalone session, and the way effects are applied to them. If anyone has more experience doing this, I would love to hear any tips.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I read that the newest beta has “master sessions” AKA sessions that are always active in the background, regardless of what SP2 kit you’re playing. So if you want your e-drum to always be active in the background, you’ll be able to do that, vs. the current workflow of having to add the external insert blocks to each kit :slight_smile:

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It does! Global Sets are awesome for that use case. Should be ready very soon. :wink:


Hi @lifeinfractals! Thanks for your post. Could you explain a bit more about your gear and what you’re trying to have happen?

Right now the way to do this is with an Analog Input routed to an Analog Insert module in your set. Then you can put effects on the insert module. What are the issues you’ve run into with that workflow?

Sounds like your 1/4 inputs are actually trigger signals from the drum pad itself or are they audio outputs from the electric drum module (brain)?

Trigger signals require some Macro programming I think.

Audio is an Analog input that can be placed on a Global session template (soon).

If you have a separate module brain for the electronic drum, you can also import MIDI input signals, and a new MIDI pads input on the latest beta also coming soon.