Im getting my sensors triggered when hitting snare with no sensor on it

hey there!
I’ve noticed that, my sensors are getting triggered by other instruments, when i hit a snare, which has no sensor attached to it, my kick drum sensor plays… and this appens with different things, with the minimal touch the sound is triggered, so I dont have much control on it… i’ve trained all zones multiple times, tried different things but nothing seems to work… even when i touch the cables it makes sound! ahahaha is that supposed to happen? or am i doing something wrong?

Hi @piresensei - I’m not sure what might be going on here, but we’d definitely like to help you get this working better! Would you mind sending an email to or starting a chat on the website?

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I am having the same issue did you ever get a solution

Hi @buyjohnr – I don’t remember if the OP wrote to support, but what kind of issues are you seeing?

Have you tried adjusting the threshold when training? If your snare is picking up hits from your kick, for example, you would go to the training page of your snare sensor, play the kick, and raise the red dotted line above the level of the kick hits.

Another option, which we recommend to use sparingly, is to train the void pad. For the previous example, you would start training the void pad on your snare sensor and play the kick. You’re basically telling it what hits to ignore.

We recently put up a tutorial video on all these training parameters – I’d recommend checking that out. Sensory Percussion 2 Drum School: Training & Input Settings

I would also make sure that it’s not a cable connection issue. I’d suggest cleaning your cables and making sure that they’re resting on a surface rather than hanging in the air.

If none of the above help – I’d also recommend writing in to and we can dive deeper into what might be going on.