Is there a full OSC values list?

Hi, all!

I’m working on a project where I’m trying to get Sensory Percussion to talk to a game engine via OSC. I was wondering if anyone had a list of what the different values correspond to? Right now, my output looks like this:

/obsidian/hw/snare1 play 0.999459 -1 0. 0 8 0 0 11 220 -103 67 -68 62 -8 -32 75 61 116 -76 -64 61 -53 59 -27 61 108 -29 50 60 41 14 35 60 56 -56 56 62 -52 71 11 63 -82 -47 13 61 0 0 -128 -65 97 59 -87 61 -77 -97 -27 61 116 -93 30 62 -102 -101 -104 60 101 50 -117 60 -122 -99 -116 62 -96 30 44 63 12 -15 109 61 0 0 -128 -65 54 45 42 63 74 -41 52 63 46 -17 8 62 64 -66 12 62 33 -51 78 63 29 60 117 63 102 -35 -60 62 0 0 -128 -65 -73 9 22 63 18 -64 -60 61 -102 -74 -76 61 -21 -68 50 63 85 -128 107 63 -120 106 -125 62 0 0 -128 -65 -80 -19 -92 61 -9 69 -105 61 99 -50 34 63 59 -117 103 63 80 -41 98 62 0 0 -128 -65 73 82 -21 62 48 -57 115 63 75 -89 125 63 -99 113 76 63 0 0 -128 -65 -81 -46 116 63 -116 -36 125 63 20 45 76 63 0 0 -128 -65 -45 77 88 63 77 111 15 62 0 0 -128 -65 -45 8 -17 60 0 0 -128 -65 0 0 -128 -65

I’m pretty sure that first floating point value is velocity, but I’d love to know what the other ones are!

Thanks so much!

The first few values are the only ones that may be of use at this point. They are [command, velocity, note, transpose, channel, padID, ...] The rest are internal values that are subject to change and aren’t as useful outside of the software.

Instead of capturing the sensor input’s messages, one alternative is to use the MIDI gen modules (CC knobs with assignments and/or pads mapped to midi notes) and then you can capture those via OSC on /obsidian/hwout/midi1. This way you can create assignments (timbre ranges, speed, etc) and capture the output easily.

We have some experimental features that we may release that open up OSC a bit and make it more flexible. But, for now its best to just capture messages coming in/out of the hardware address space which is stable (i.e. doesn’t use variable UUIDs which can change).

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Amazing, thank you so much!