I’ve assigned a few zones to generate midi notes, but the note assignments seem to revert back to their defaults whenever I try to change them to match what is in Kontact; if I add a new zone and then change the default note assignment from C#3, for example, to D1, it’ll stay like that until I basically click off SP or save and close… then when I come back it says C#3 again.
I guess I could change the Kontact assignments to match the defaults in SP, but it seems weird that these note assignments keep resetting and I’m wondering if there’s something I’m doing wrong.
Hi @TrevorWat - that’s really odd. I just tested building some MIDI Note Gen, saving, closing, and reopening and it all seems to work fine. Would you mind recording a video of what your seeing and sending it to support@sunhou.se?
@tenoch Hi again, any update on this? I just got another sensor (have 4 now), and unfortunately the default MIDI mapping is the same as the other sensor, so my work-around of just changing the mapping on the other end doesn’t work in this case because I have two sensors outputting the same note by default.
Ok I figured it out, I just couldn’t use the scroll wheel on my mouse to do it. When I use the scroll wheel it will select the different values, it just doesn’t seem to save it – using the arrow keys or typing in a value works.
Hi @TrevorWat glad you figured it out. On the MIDI Gen panel when you are choosing notes, the note selector almost works like a knob, you can left-click it and drag it up and down, or you can type in a specific note, or you can use the arrow keys to go step-by-step. But if you’re still having trouble, definitely shoot a video to support@sunhou.se and we’ll take a look. thanks!