Minimum drum diameter for sensor?

What is the minimum drum diameter that will support an Evans/ version 2 sensor?

I am thinking about mounting these sensors on small tom drums, with mesh heads. I would like to create a very compact rack tom setup, with each tom having a V2 sensor. I expect there must be a size limitation on the low end of tom sizes, that would still allow for most or all the zones to be triggered accurately (?).


In the software, the smallest size you can choose is 10".

This is what I use it and it works fine (I have two 10" mesh).
There is no pitch or function difference between sizes.
You could have a 10" floor tom, and a 18" rack tom. It will not make a sound difference.

The main difference between sizes is control. You have less space for regions which means you need to be more precise on smaller drums. You also have less physical space for blends going gradually from a region to an other. Your center to edge distance will be short.

It really depends on what you want to do, what you are comfortable with, and how compact you want to be.

It suited my sense of humor to make the kick an 8" piccolo since it has the fewest number of zones. Seems to work fine.