Misc Assignments/Modulators queries

Hi folks! I’ve been spending the past while going through the manual to improve my efficiency using the software, and first off, I wanted to say how appreciative I am of how comprehensive and clear it is. Great stuff.
I do have a few assorted questions/clarifications about assignments and modulators, and was hoping to find some answers here:

  1. Given that you can add an assignment to Note Control in the Pitch & Scale panel of any module, I was wondering if there’s a functional difference between doing that and using the Note Controller module? (I had a similar question with the parallels between Velocity IO panels and the Hit Controller, although I can now see the different use cases there)
  2. In this Rand | Step Modulator video, what is the Note Control mapped to?
  3. I didn’t quite understand the Remainder function of the Rand | Step Modulator, particularly with how it works with decimals. Is there another video on this concept, by any chance?

Lastly, more of a feature request, but would it be feasible to include numbers on the velocity IO panels? As mentioned earlier, using the Hit Controller would be more efficient in some of my use cases, but I can still think of situations where it might be helpful to have the numbers visible for more precise mapping.

Apologies if any of these questions are redundant, and thanks to the team for all the hard work!

Hi @rrv24!

Thanks for the kind words - the team works really hard to make the manual as clear as possible, so the compliment is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

  1. Great question! You’re right, the Pitch & Scale panel does make Note Controller module quite redundant. We have plans to upgrade Note Controller (which predates the Pitch & Scale panel) to make it more useful, but as of right now there isn’t really a use-case I can think of where you would want to use Note Controller over Pitch & Scale. Pitch & Scale is more flexible.
  2. The Note Control param of the Pitch & Scale panel is always mapped to the note output of the module. So however that slider moves will change the quantized notes that are output by the module. In that video, the Note Control is controlled by the Rand | Step Modulator.
  3. Great question. The Remainder function of the Rand | Step Modulator actually doesn’t do anything unless there is a decimal set in the steps number box. If there is a decimal point in the steps number box and the Remainder button is in its right position, then the Steps Modulator will carry over the remainder after the final step has been reached, effectively creating a longer, more interesting pattern. @Mason does a fantastic job explaining it in his video here.

Good idea with numbers on the Velocity I/O panel. I’ll ask about this.


Thanks for the response, this is super helpful!

Re: Note Controllers; it would appear that they’re not necessary for MIDI either? I’d initially thought that they’d be more useful for audio inserts, but given that you can add a MIDI Note Generator to a group and access the Pitch & Scale panel from there, the panels seem adequate.

Thanks for linking Mason’s video! I hadn’t seen it before – really great demonstration of the modulator and it made me appreciate its features so much more! I’m excited to start using it more too.