New user latency help!

I’ve just setup my brand new v2 system complete with zone training. However I find it unplayable due to latency. I don’t know how to measure it, but it’s not at all what I was expecting, nor matches any of the numerous video reviews I’ve seen. It’s unplayable. I’m using mesh heads, and it’s plugged into an M3 Macbook Pro, which I use with Ableton Live, Logic, etc… and have no issues with latency whatsoever with keyboards or other external instruments. I’m using the recommended settings with the hardware (44.1khz) and have tried all of the different buffer settings from lowest to highest with no effect. I’m monitoring via headphones plugged into the Evans interface. I noticed the latency during the very first step of the setup (before pad training when you check the sensitivity/gain of the sensors). The latency seems to be the same for all 3 (snare, tom, kick) sensors. I can’t imagine this is the actual latency of the system, it’s simply unplayable. For reference I’ve been using a Yamaha EAD10 (with Yamaha sensors) for about 2 years and have had no issues whatsover with latency with that system. Should I reinstall my sensors? What else can I do to fix this? Thanks in advance!


The issue was a system-wide utility I use called “Sound Source” from Rogue Amoeba that allows me to route and control audio, use Sound ID speaker/headphone correction, etc. Once I quit that utility everything works fine without any latency issues. Strangely this latency issue is not there for midi keyboards or Live push or when using the EAD10 with my computer, nor in general with audio (I’m a video and sound editor by trade), but with the Sensory Percussion it gave more than a half second of latency. Thankfully it plays perfectly without it.

I’ll leave this here to help anyone else who might have this issue.