No AU plug-in for Audio Streamer available

I’ve updated to the latest version of Sensory Percussion software today and then bought Logic Pro. I found the setting to download the Audio Streamer plug-in but the only file I get it the .vst3 file which is incompatible with Logic 11. Where can I get the AU plug-in?

@tenoch Any guidance?

hi @cross_bridge the Audio Streamer is only available for SP v1. We’re looking into options for getting multi-track audio into Logic but we don’t have anything available at the moment. Sorry about that.

For now your best bet is to use something like Loopback or a separate interface to get audio into Logic. This page has more info on these approaches: How to Record Your Performance | Sensory Percussion 2 Help

Let me know if you have any questions.

that sucks, but thanks for clearing that up for me!