Note controller for MIDI

Hey there! Is there a way to use a note controller (via velocity, timbre or speed) to affect which midi note a sensor sends into Ableton from the plugin?

Hi @drewbysnacks!

You would most likely want to use the new pitch & scale panal of any module to accomplish this.

You could create a MIDI router module as the child of, say, a group module, expand the module to reveal its pitch & scale and modulator panels, create a modulator and assign it to the Note Control slider.

Here’s a .sp2 with some examples you can drag and drop or copy/paste into your working set (the steps version is heavily inspired by stuff @Mason has been doing):

simple-MIDI-scale-modulation-examples.sp2 (6.5 KB)



@drewbysnacks Just wanted to chime in to point to you to the relevant section of our MIDI Out tutorial video, where you can see the Pitch & Scale → MIDI router interaction that Steven outlined in action.