Output significantly favoring the left

Output of my module is significantly favoring the left side, tried different chords, tried swapping chords, using industrial brooklyn preset in the vanguard kit, snare is supposed to be centerred but in the waveforms its significantly louder on the left side. Is this supposed to be the case or is something wrong with my module?

Just to add, when using the test output of the interface, the output significantly favors the right output as opposed to the left regardless of switching out cables, etc, so I think that there is something just wrong with the portal itself, any help would be appreciated

Hi @Jack_Owens - interesting. This could be coming from a lot of different places. Could you try recording a short snippet with the built-in recording feature? Then try to listen to the file without the Portal. If it’s still panned, then it’s some software setting. Are you on Mac or Windows?

Hello! I’m on mac, I was using logic with the steroe outputs to record, which is panned. When I use the internal recording feature theres no issues, everything sounds as it should, its only when using the main LR outputs.

Hi Jack, can you make sure you don’t have your hardware outputs panned?

Yes, no outputs are panned I believe

Can you try plugging your monitors into the Aux line outs (5-8) on the back of the portal and seeing if you still hear a balance issue? Just be careful because audio will come out of the line outs at full volume (there’s no knob to adjust the volume).

And just to confirm, you’re not hearing any balance issues through the headphone outputs on the front? Thanks

Correct, no balancing issues through the headphones, also just now when using the auxilary outputs there are no issues with balancing, waveforms all look correct

Just for clarity this is what its looking like just switching the output cables, image on the left is with aux outputs 5 and 6, image on the right is with main outs with volume turned to be at 3oclock, same kit, both levels on outputs in the software are the same

Ok, gotcha. Looks like a hardware issue. I’ll DM you with next steps.