Summary of topics covered in Q&A 1

Q&A 1: February 2023

  • 02:13 :musical_note: Introduction to Sensory Percussion V2 Concepts

    • Introduction to Sensory Percussion V2 and its departure from V1.
    • New architecture for the system.
    • Emphasis on breaking apart the input, music, and output for more compositional flexibility.
  • 06:36 :control_knobs: Hardware Output Panel and Connections

    • Overview of the hardware output panel.
    • Ability to connect various hardware devices, including virtual or physical sensors, analog inputs, and MIDI devices.
    • Channel selection tied to specific devices, allowing multiple hardware setups to be active simultaneously.
  • 09:27 :drum: Signal Flow and Drum Pads

    • Introduction to signal flow and drum pads.
    • Explanation of message filters and how to assign samples to specific zones.
    • Demonstrates the flexibility of creating music by triggering sounds based on specific drum hits.
    • How to audition samples by turning on headphone monitoring
  • 14:01 :musical_keyboard: Controller Types and Sequencing

    • Overview of various controller types, including snare, drum pads, Tom, and kick.
    • Introduction to sequencing and creating dynamic music through sequencers.
    • Use of filters to refine which drums or zones trigger specific sounds.
    • How it sounds to have two snares simultaneously triggering different sounds and zones
  • 21:13 :arrows_counterclockwise: Grouping and Effects

    • Grouping of modules and the introduction of effects.
    • Creating musical hierarchy and organizing sounds into groups for more nuanced control.
    • Example of applying effects to grouped sounds to master more easily for a richer musical experience.
  • 23:20 :jigsaw: Object Logic and Musical Composition

    • Exploring the concept of objects with internal logic for musical composition.
    • How containers, or matrix containers, allow customization of assignments between zones and sounds.
    • The power of blending between zones and creating reciprocal blends for diverse sound experiences.
  • 25:30 :control_knobs: Sequencer and Customization

    • Utilizing sequencers for dynamic sound switching.
    • Customizing sequencers for specific compositions.
    • Demonstrating the flexibility of the sequencer for creating unique and evolving musical patterns.
    • Using the metronome aka metro controller.
    • The secret way to blend between zones - shift-click in the matrix view
  • 32:05 :drum: Creating Patterns with Sequencer

    • The presenter demonstrates creating patterns using the sequencer.
    • How to randomize, cycle, and manual triggering
    • Quickly creating interesting patterns by duplicating sequencer steps.
    • Using filtering to trigger the next command in the sequencer for hard hits only
  • 34:09 :arrows_counterclockwise: Sequencer Questions and Features

    • Discussing options like cycling, reversing, randomizing, and manual control.
    • Mentioning the possibility of sequencer assignments and retriguing to note controllers.
  • 36:07 :musical_keyboard: Assignments and Controller Mapping

    • Explaining how to sequence from an external MIDI source.
    • Demonstrating the process of creating assignments and mappings for MIDI controllers.
    • Mentioning upcoming features related to MIDI control and assignments.
  • 39:40 :arrows_counterclockwise: Mapping Effects and Future Features

    • Explaining the process of mapping effects to the sequencer.
    • Introducing the concept of generic tags for MIDI devices.
    • Teasing upcoming features, such as remapping between different drums and MIDI devices.
  • 41:30 :musical_note: MIDI Sample and Hold Module

    • Discussing MIDI notes and CC generators for controlling external MIDI devices.
    • Explaining the flexibility and capabilities of the notes and CC generators.
    • Teasing enhanced MIDI output capabilities with the upcoming note controller module.
  • 43:58 :globe_with_meridians: MIDI Output and External Integration

    • Using MIDI program change and CC messages to select the next set
    • Demonstrating how to send MIDI output to control external devices.
    • Discussing the potential of controlling synthesizers, samplers, or effects with generated MIDI notes.
    • Using ADSR to change the sound of the samples in and out
    • Acknowledging the need for improvements in OSC features and promising future enhancements.
  • 47:45 :control_knobs: Ableton Integration and Future Developments

    • Addressing questions about Ableton integration and explaining the challenges.
    • Promising improved and more powerful solutions for integrating with Ableton and other DAWs.
    • Highlighting the importance of the feature for live performances and recording.
  • 49:34 :globe_with_meridians: OSC (Open Sound Control) Features and User-Friendly Improvements

    • Discussing OSC features and plans for improving user-friendliness in OSC control.
    • Acknowledging the need for better control options and addressing potential issues.
    • Teasing upcoming OSC features for controlling various knobs more easily.
  • 51:28 :evergreen_tree: Hierarchy in Layers and Grouping

    • Explaining the hierarchical structure of layers in the software.
    • Demonstrating how layers and groups work in a tree structure.
    • Discussing the application of effects to specific groups and the overall set.
  • 53:11 :loud_sound: Noise Cancellation and Void Pad

    • Addressing concerns about crosstalk, noise, and the void pad feature.
    • Promising a killer feature with built-in microphone support for automatic noise cancellation.
    • Confirming the return of the void pad in the next update for V2.
  • 55:00 :musical_keyboard: MIDI Controller and Kit Change

    • Explaining how to use a MIDI controller to change kits in the software.
    • Ableton chain selector to select next set
    • Acknowledging a minor issue that will be fixed and promising a learn button for quicker setup.
    • Suggesting the use of Ableton’s chain selector for sequencing kit changes.
  • 56:39 :floppy_disk: Hotswapping modules into other sets

    • Explaining how to save modules to a session for reuse.
    • Addressing the future addition of user presets for effects and module settings.
    • Demonstrating the process of loading saved modules into a new session - drag and drop
  • 58:32 :control_knobs: Latency and Sensor Capacity

    • Clarifying that adding more sensors does not incur additional latency.
    • Explaining that the sensor capacity can handle seven sensors without a significant latency penalty.
    • Emphasizing the importance of buffer size and potential limits with excessive effects.
  • 01:00:22 :musical_note: Future Features and Continued Development

    • Encouraging users to explore the manual, expect regular updates, and watch for upcoming tutorials.
    • Teasing significant features planned for the year, including enhancements in notes, melody, harmony, and beyond.