V1 Sensors and V2 software compatibility

What does the future look like for the V1 sensors and the v2 software?
Is there a plan to stop supporting the ability for the V1 sensors to be able to be used?
If so.
When is that going to transpire?

Also can someone purchase a license with from a seller on the used market and have that transferred?

Hi @CollinD,

Tenoch here from Sunhouse. Thanks for your message! In short, the v1 sensors work just fine with the v2 software. If you get the Evans Hybrid bundle and already have v1 sensors, you can use two of them with the Portal interface out of the box.

V1 software is essentially in “maintenance” mode – we are pushing bug fixes and will check compatibility with new OS releases, etc, but we don’t plan on releasing any new features (though we did just add some features with 1.8.5 last month). V1 software is still great software (just look at all the amazing music made on it), but our creative focus is now in v2.

Yes, if you purchase v1 sensors, we can certainly transfer the license over to you. Just first confirm that that’s the previous owners intention (sometimes sensors are sold without software) and then ask them to send us an email at support@sunhou.se to make the transfer.

Hope that helps – let me know if you have any other questions.

  • Tenoch

The next questions are.
In order to use V2 of the software do you need to have the Evans interface? Or can you use any audio interface with v2 software?


Hi @CollinD,

V2 isn’t locked to the Portal interface, but as I mentioned, it’s only available with the current bundle.

But if you get the bundle, you could use the v2 software with a different DAW. It’s a fully supported feature. Like, for example, if you wanted to use your v1 sensors with a different interface with the v2 software.

Hope that helps!

Yes that answers my question.

It seems that you would benefit the system by allowing people to purchase the software a la carte and use v1 sensors.
In my view, locking people into having to buy the whole hardware system in order to use older sensors seems to be shutting out a whole sector of possible users. Especially people who can’t afford the price tag of the new system. Plus it seems like a waste of perfectly good hardware sensors, that will just end up in landfills.


Frankly, this is really bad form sunhouse. This means that everyone that dropped 1.2k to purchase software and hardware now has to shell out that again to be able to upgrade to the most current version. As others have pointed out there is nothing wrong with the hardware we already own. I bought this under the assumption that there would be discounted software upgrades for existing users as with virtually every other piece of audio software. To be told that not even two years later the software is being shelved in to maintenance mode and that if I want to upgrade I need to spend another huge sum of money really really irritates me and I’m sure I’m not the only one re-evaluating my relationship with this company. This is a shameful betrayal of everyone who took a chance on you. I really don’t feel like spending this money every couple of years so to be honest I’m out. What a shame, such a great idea.

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Hi @Mel,

Tenoch here from Sunhouse. I’m really sorry you feel that way. First, we WILL offer a software-only upgrade. We hope to get that launched early next year. Thanks for your patience on this front, we’re a small team and we’ve been working to make sure the v2 software is tip-top, getting the features released that we know v1 users will expect. Like the Ableton Plugin, extra sound packs, etc.

Also, we offered a massive upgrade discount for all v1 users last December before v2 launched. I know not everyone was able to take advantage of that (though many, many did), but we try to do our best to take care of our community.

The v1 product and software had a really great, long life. We launched it in 2016 and delivered many years of free upgrades and free sound packs – almost 7 years. That’s a really long time for a technology product. And we continue to support it today with bug fixes, customer support, etc. Just because v2 is out, doesn’t mean v1 isn’t still a great product with many drummer still using it on stages and in studios all over the world.

The v2 software and hardware was completely rewritten from scratch. It doesn’t share any of the code from v1. This was a significant investment from our team and took years of hard work, which is a big reason it’s difficult for us to release it as a free upgrade. It’s really a new product. But we also made sure that it would be usable with v1 sensors. We’re definitely not locking anyone out.

Please know that we will do everything we can to take care of v1 users and offer a the software upgrade at a reasonable price.

Let me know if you still have any concerns.



So what you’re saying is it will be available for the version one sensors at some point? So to ask my question I asked earlier. Will it be able to be purchased as a software only version for people who might own version one sensors and want to use their current audio interface?
To me it makes sense to offer the software for a much lower price point to the people who don’t mind purchasing used v1 sensors or people who already have them.

My 2 cents.

Hi @CollinD,

Yes, exactly. We will offer a software-only upgrade to people who have v1 software licenses. Details TBD, but you can expect an announcement early next year. Thanks!


If I want to use v1 sensors with Ableton 12 (via the plugin), what should I do? Software upgrade?

Will v1 plugin still work with Ableton 11?

I prefer the first option, just curious with Ableton 12 getting ready to drop. Sorry if this isn’t the correct forum!

Hi Adam,

The plugins all work fine with Ableton 11. But we haven’t been able to get our hands on Ableton 12 yet to test. Rest assured we’ll do a thorough testing once it’s out and report back.
