Note Controller Beta Bugs?

The Note Controller Module on the latest Beta update doesn’t seem to be working properly for me.

1: It doesn’t list an option for Speed on Type
2: While in Velocity Mode it doesn’t seem to respond to Play the Loaded Sample. I can hit the PLAY button and hear pitched Sample Output, but the separate Note buttons can’t seem to be assigned to Samples and nothing Plays when hitting drum.

Tried the last regular version update I have instead of Beta and it has the same problem.
I noticed changing the 2nd Type setting from Kick to Snare or Tom seems to trigger pitched samples just fine for some reason, even though Filter is still Kick.
Still no Speed option on 1st Type setting.

Hi @SacredBlasphemy,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I responded to your replies here and here.

Let us know if you run into any other snarls or have any other questions.
